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Category Archive for barcelona

How to make money with Avon

Posted: 04/12/10 Categories: Sales Leadership and MLM

Now there is the $1 million dollar question…OK, I know there are hundreds, thousands, even millions of ideas out there to Get rich Quick, but how about doing it the tried and tested way that shows steady growth at the speed you dictate?. Your income will only be the results of your own efforts.  No […]

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Avon Trip to Berlin

Posted: 02/23/10 Categories: Events

Avon UK Berlin Trip Avon UK offer an All expenses paid trip every year.  Only the Top 20 UK Sales Leaders can achieve this amazing incentive.  Here is the League table so far with just our teams results.  Avon cosmetics have already given Brian and I trips to: Barcelona, Prague, Majorca, New York & we […]

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Avon Trip Incentives

Posted: 02/15/10 Categories: Events, The basics of Avon

Wow, Avon cosmetics have given away so many holidays and trips that its hard to believe we have achieved every one so far.  Here is a short video with Richard Pinnock giving me my Avon Award for achieving 4th place for the Prague holiday incentive. The Avon holidays are part of the Avon incentives set […]

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