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Category Archive for earn money

ITV News Report DSA video

Posted: 05/12/10 Categories: Newsflash

[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DL2M7tT1XnkI img=x:/www.avonblog.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/dsa-300×151.jpg embed=false share=false width=400 height=224 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=med autostart=false /] ITV Meridian Video DSA for the women in the UK Direct Selling Association on the Meridian News. What are women doing in the UK to build an Income of their own?.

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Ordering and preparing your Avon

Posted: 05/1/10 Categories: The basics of Avon

How to prepare and deliver your Avon customers orders Find the box marked “Invoice enclosed”, and open this box first. Take out the paperwork before you start to unpack the products. As you unpack each item, find it on the invoice and tick off. You may find it easier to group products together, e.g. Senses, Naturals, Avon Colour […]

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Avon UK Job Advert

Posted: 01/20/10 Categories: Sales Leadership and MLM, The basics of Avon

Why not get yourself an Avon Job & become an Avon Representative & Earn extra money with Avon Cosmetics.  Here is a short Avon Advert about how easy other women found joining Avon to be the best thing they did.  Become an Avon lady and work around the children, work from home, and work part time. http://youtu.be/xpvo-fb6ZiI?a

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