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Category Archive for simple steps

The process for an Avon Representative to apply to become a Sales Leader

Posted: 08/5/13 Categories: Sales Leadership and MLM

If you are an Avon representative already and would like to become an Avon Sales Leader then follow these 5 simple steps explained below 5 simple steps to becoming an Avon Sales Leader Log in to your existing Avon account. Hover your mouse over the “opportunities” tab in the white bar. A drop down box will show […]

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Avon Sales Leadership Information

Posted: 11/2/10 Categories: Passive Income & Avon Earnings

Take a look at the great earnings opportunities you will get with the Avon Slaes Leadership program   [stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DtjSHxif01LY%26feature%3DBF%26list%3DPL46E64E37EF205159%26index%3D3 img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/tjSHxif01LY/0.jpg embed=false share=false width=450 height=253 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /] After you have watched the video, if you have any questions you would to ask me personally then please contact me here. I have been an […]

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How to use the Avon Books

Posted: 05/4/10 Categories: The basics of Avon

How to use the Avon Books The Avon brochure is our shop window that changes every three weeks*, each time introducing new and innovative products. As a Representative the brochure is key to enticing your customers into our shop to generate as many orders as possible for you. There are simple steps that you can […]

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