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Category Archive for avon breast cancer

Weymouth Walk to Raise Awareness and money for Avon’s Breast Cancer Crusade

Posted: 10/6/11 Categories: Events

Weymouth’s calling all Avon Customers Avon Representatives and Avon Sales leaders to get together to raise money for the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade To Join in ~ Get fit ~ Raise money ~ Raise awareness Bring the kids too as it is half term Date: Tue 25th  OCTOBER Meet up from: 10.30am At: The Cafe […]

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Why We Walk. The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade video

Posted: 04/19/11 Categories: Events, Supported Charities

[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DL08BezDolOI img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/L08BezDolOI/0.jpg embed=false share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /] Why We Walk. The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade video This is a great video to see just how and why these people walk for the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade The money raised is being used in the best possible way 6 years […]

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Avon Foundation for women. Avon Breast Cancer Crusade

Posted: 03/18/11 Categories: Supported Charities

The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade was launched in 1992 as a small pioneering program in the U.K. Avon in the U.S. adopted the Crusade the following year. Over the last 18 years, Avon philanthropy has raised and donated more than $700 million to breast cancer programs around the world, supporting […]

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