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Category Archive for avon_business

Avon Business Building Blocks By Gail Reynolds

Posted: 11/11/11 Categories: Sales Leadership and MLM

Business Building Blocks by Gail Reynolds. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29s55VN4SKk] Watch and learn how I work through the different levels of the ~Avon leadership business From the 1st initial step as an; Avon Customer Avon Representative Avon Sales Leader Avon Advanced Sales Leader Avon Executive Sales Leader Avon Senior Executive Sales Leader This is a simple and quick way to […]

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Networking. How to network.

Posted: 05/17/11 Categories: Sales Leadership and MLM

What are your golden rules for building your customer and/or Representative network?  Talk – talk – talk. Avon – Avon – Avon.  It really is that easy.  There are 3 golden rules 1.FIND THE CUSTOMER 2.SERVE THE CUSTOMER 3.KEEP THE CUSTOMER   1.FIND THE REPRESENTATIVE 2.SERVE THE REPRESENTATIVE 3.KEEP THE REPRESENTATIVE   1.FIND THE SALES […]

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Avon. May Motivational Meeting Eros Extreme Team

Posted: 04/20/11 Categories: Events

  Come along and join in on the phenomenal motivational meetings held by the Eros Extreme Team Gail & Brian Reynolds are guest speakers again at this fresh new look at Avon meetings Join in on the fun, learn how to build a successful Avon Representative Business and take the next step into Avon Sales […]

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Avon Presidents Club (P C Membership)

Posted: 03/17/11 Categories: Selling tips and Avon's Presidents Club

Gail Reynolds Avon Movers & Shakers   Dear Team G B R Welcome to our newest online Newsletters for you to read at your leisure. Brian and I have the largest volume of Presidents Club Members in the Western Region & that is something we are very proud of as a team. 2011 we want […]

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Gail Reynolds Avon lady entrepreneur in the news

Posted: 11/28/10 Categories: Newsflash, Sales Leadership and MLM

  Gail force: Gail Reynolds started selling door-to-door eight years ago and now has a business worth £5m. Photograph: Richard Saker for the Observer In 2002, at the age of 31, Gail Reynolds had moved to Hastings for a job at an accountancy firm when she saw an advert that said: Join Avon, Meet New […]

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Avon – What’s in it for YOU?

Posted: 10/29/10 Categories: Sales Leadership and MLM

[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D50OtwcwmpWw img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/50OtwcwmpWw/0.jpg embed=false share=false width=450 height=253 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /] What’s in it for you to join Avon? Avon Cosmetics offers everyone in the UK over the age of 18 the opportunity to join Avon and start their own business. It really doesn’t matter about your back ground, the knowledge you have or dont […]

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