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Category Archive for invitations

Avon’s Party Plan Ideas

Posted: 01/29/13 Categories: Avon Products and Party Plan

What to do This section is all about how to actually organise your get together – what to do, where to have it, who to invite and what you need to get ready. Go through this section so you feel thoroughly organised then you can think about the fun stuff! Type of get together There […]

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How to invite people to your Party business

Posted: 04/6/12 Categories: Avon Products and Party Plan

Who do you think you should invite to your Avon party business and how would you organise your list This isn’t as easy as it sounds. Sending out your party invites can be found on another blog I wrote earlier, but actually listing the people you would like to invite is right here in this blog. I […]

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Avon Tea Party Theme

Posted: 03/26/12 Categories: Avon Products and Party Plan

Avon’s Themed Tea Party is just another Creative Party Plan Idea for all Avon Representatives to try Creative Party Planning is a skill to master check out my Top Tips on Creativity within your party…. A Ladies Tea Party has no exception to simplicity As the image above suggests its as simple as having Tea […]

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Sending Out your Party Invitations

Posted: 03/26/12 Categories: Avon Products and Party Plan

Sending your Party Invites When giving out your invites don’t be afraid to hand out twice as many as you would want to attend.  People have very busy lives (especially women) and there will be some that said “Yes” but life got in the way and they couldn’t come.  With your Tea Party Invitations always […]

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