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Taking the fear out of Cold Calling

Written by Gail Reynolds on April 29, 2010

Cold calling made simple with Gail Reynolds ~ MLM and network marketing expert

Taking the fear out of cold calling

People that work within the Network marketing industry are often taught to approach their warm market 1st.

That isn't what I did when I started my MLM business, I couldn't my family lived 150 miles away and I had just moved towns.

I started my business and building my team with "Cold Calling" I didn't know anything else.  So here is what I did and still do to build a team within the MLM industry.

3 Top Tips for Cold calling

  • Teach the basics of cold calling by talking about why they are "selling" their business opportunity to strangers
  • Share some simple techniques to overcome their fears
  • Ensure the new team leader knows the "Benefits" of joining their business and the opportunity they have on offer



0 responses to “Taking the fear out of Cold Calling”

  1. There are some great tips on there Gail, thank you so much for setting this up 🙂

  2. jane holmes says:

    Brilliant Gail just sensible tips as always and so true

  3. Hi Gail,
    Just wanted to say thanks again for this, after I watched it yesterday I decided to give prospecting in the street another go today. I made 7 appointments in an hour and a half! Very pleased, so cheers for sharing!
    Linda xx

  4. Gail says:

    Hi Linda
    I love it when a plan comes together like that!
    Well done
    Just imagine if you did that 3 times a week…

  5. Gail says:

    hehe, i never over complicate things, and keep as easy duplicatable steps!

  6. Gail says:

    I have done a couple more today….
    Take a look I hope they help

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